World’s First “Ionic Nano Copper Polymer (INCP)”

We are world’s first disinfectant with powerful Ionic Nano Copper Polymer as the main ingredients with MIMOS certified on Nano Technology. INCP showed not only a long-lasting anti-coronavirus activity but also an increased time dependent of anti-coronavirus activity. INCP stays longer on the surface compared to other products with alcohol or water base substance.

Dual Function Viral Shield

Viral Shield is not only capable of killing germs on any surface, but it can also be used as an alternative ablution water.

Viral Shield is the World’s first surface disinfectant that has been proven to be not only safe to use on skin, but also a pure water that can be used for worship and JAKIM has verified that Viral Shield ingredients are Halal.

Why Viral Shield?

Viral Shield stays on frequently touch surface and its particle sticks to any surface like tiny magnets to shield any surfaces for up to 24 HOURS.


Skin Safe

Safe for Kid

Safe if contact with plants and pets



No Alcohol

Eco Friendly



Compliance as Disinfectant

1Broad spectrum
Virus including Coronavirus and wide antimicrobial spectrum
2Fast actingKills 99.9% of Viruses within 5 minutes and Bacteria, Fungi and yeast within 1 minute
3Not affected by environmental factorsEnvironmentally friendly
4No toxicNo dermal irritation or corrosive reaction
5Surface compatibilitySuitable on any surface such as plastic, any type of metal, marble, wood, leather and fabric (natural or synthetic materials)
6Residual effect on treated surfacesIs non toxic for micro-organisms and is able to neutralize the antimicrobial activity of the sample without inhibiting the micro-organisms
8EconomicalOne time application that lasts up to 24 hours
9Solubility99.80% deionized water

Stable under ordinary conditions of use and storage and not affected by low nor high temperatures

A Quick Comparison

Kills 99.9% Virus, Bacteria & FungiKills common bacteria, viruses, and germs at optimally at 75% concentrationKills common bacteria, viruses, and germs at high concentration
OdourNoUnpleasant/ chemical scentStrong
SuitabilitySuitable on any type of surfacesLimited / not suitable on many surfacesLimited / not suitable on many surfaces
  • Safe for kids, pet and plant

  • No toxic

  • No corrosive

  • Non flammable
  • Keep away from flame or open heat

  • Toxicity

  • Eye irritant

  • Corrosive
  • Keep away from children

  • Corrosive
  • DurabilityStays 24 hours on surfaceNeed to reapply every 2-3 hoursNeed to reapply every 2-3 hours
    Long term side effectNo
  • Health side effects

  • Surface corrosiveness
  • Health side effects

    Also Available At

    Swab Test to Prove the Effective of Viral Shield

    Other Application

    Dynas Mokhtar
    Nabil Huda
    Nabila Huda
    Alif Satar
    Viral Shield Spokesperson - Alif Satar
    Ustaz Dato' Dr. Zahazan

    What are the customers saying?

    Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q)

    As of Feb 2021, there are no regulations on surface disinfectants by MOH.

    Ionic Nano Copper Polymer (Viral Shield) has been tested in independent labs in:

    1. University o f Malaya and verified by Institute for Medical Research Malaysia. Testing has confirmed effectiveness on killing 99.99% of Coronavirus / Covid-19 and anti viral activities for up to 24 hours
    2. Eurofins has verified effectiveness against neutralizing anti microbial activity on:
      ◦ Escherichia coli E. coli
      ◦ Staphylococcus aureus (staph infection)
      ◦ Pseudomonas aeruginosa
      ◦ Salmonella typhimurium (typhoid fever like disease)
    3. SGS has verified effectiveness in killing 99.99% of:
      ◦ Escherichia coli E. coli
      ◦ Pseudomonas aeruginosa
      ◦ Staphylococcus aureus staph infection
      ◦ Enterococcus hirae (may cause urinary tract infection)
      ◦ Candida albicans (yeast infection)
      ◦ Aspergillus brasiliensis (a black spore producing fungi)
      ◦ OECDN 404:2015 testing for Dermal Irritation.

    It can be sprayed on any surface including plastic, metal, marble, wood, leather, fabric and also electronic equipment. The non corrosive and non staining properties of Viral Shield ensures that there are no water marks, streaks or spots after

    Viral Shield is also safe for skin as verified by SGS using OECDN 404:2015 testing for Dermal Irritation.

    Viral Shield comes in a ready to use liquid spray bottle form and can either be sprayed directly from the bottle or transferred to a nano spray gun for even better coverage.

    Viral Shield has been tested and verified to last for 24 hours on hard frequently touched surfaces. Reapplication of product is required on hand as if  washed off however, not to classify as Hand Sanitizer

    Viral Shield mainly consists of

    • Deionized Water 99.77%
    • Coconut Fatty Acid Diethanolamide 0.02%
    • Fatty Acid Amide  Derivative 0 .05%
    • Quaternary Ammonium Salt Germicide 0.05%
    • Nano Silica Polymer 0.05%
    • Ionic Nano Copper 0.06%

    Viral Shield has been extensively tested and verified by

    • SGS the world’s leading testing, inspection, and certification company
    • Eurofins Scientific through its subsidiaries is the world leader in food, environment, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products testing and in agroscience CRO services
    • University of Malaya with verification by IMR Institute for Medical Research Malaysia
    • Nano technology verified by MIMOS, Malaysia’ s forefront technology provider in In formation and Communications Technology,
      Industrial Electronics Technology and Nano Semiconductor Technology
    • Biodegradability verified by Empa, an interdisciplinary research institute of the ETH Domain, Empa, the Swiss Federal  Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, conducts cutting edge materials and technology research

    There are a lot of surface disinfectants i n the market. Please be sure to choose one that is non damaging has been verified for its effectiveness and is safe for long-term use.

    Viral Shield i s the world’s first disinfectant with powerful Ionic Nano Copper Polymer (INCP ) as the main ingredient with MIMOS certified nano technology. INCP showed not only a long lasting anti coronavirus activity but also an increased time dependent of anti  coronavirus activity. INCP stays longer on the surface compared to other products with alcohol or water based substances.

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